How The Film will be finished
The religious person could see the world in very special colors. He has an ability to read everyday reality between the lines. Where we see technical progress, information age and post-industrial society, a spiritual person is able to see a completely different picture.
Today one of the most popular science is futurology. The whole world would love to know what is going to be tomorrow or what possibilities are supposed to control next day.
The most talented people are working hard on the conception of Foresight. The first world countries and huge corporation have been developing the strategy of the “future guide”. On their opinion they know how to run the world. The sing is how to adopt this future to nowadays and keep the same power as they have right know.
Angel, announcing the fall of Babylon
In the north of Russia, in Pomerania area Old Believers, do not know the word «futurology.» There\’s people who wouldn’t be surprised of ipad and the collapse of the European Union does not scare them too, do not tempt the alternative fuel.
«Northerners» for several centuries live on «Foresight» — «Face of the apocalypse», built on the Revelation to John.
And they have already known how this film will be finished.
Alexey Zagorsky
Manuscript illustration of the personal apocalypse created by Russian peasants, Old Believers of the Russian North
Angel, warning the faithful not to accept the Antichrist
Whore of Babylon and the wicked kings of the earth
The outpouring of the first bowl
Outpouring third cup
Outpouring of the fourth cup
Outpouring fifth bowl
The outpouring of the sixth bowl
The outpouring of the seventh bowl
The overthrow of the ancient serpent
The Fall of Babylon
In anticipation of the Second Coming
Angel, calling the birds in the Great Supper
Resurrection of the dead and the Court
clean River
City of Saints
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