Мощи Ярослава Мудрого: как они могли оказаться у американцев
2012-10-03 16:26:55


Russian Thing – a warm thing, warming up, surprising and available

The mid-size town of Uryupinsk is really there. Battling for the honour of being called ‘the capital of Russian province and having its own folks-touristic brand in the shape of Anfisa goat.

Battling for the honour of being called ‘the capital of Russian province and having its own folks-touristic brand in the shape of Anfisa goat.

Made-in-Uryupinsk goat

Surprised? You shouldn’t. In local museum you would have been told how serious the matter is and how – it takes having guts to dispel the existing stereotypes that the best woven headscarves come from Orenburg. The point is that goats in Uryupinsk, Volgograd province, are special, trans-the-river-Don breed. Their fur is 13cm-long while that of Orenburg is the mere 9cm. And on top of it, the Uryupinsk-sub-fur-down is wider than that of her Orenburg counterpart. That’s why the headscarves here are so unique.

The-down-of-Uryupinsk-make-breed; Close-up

Uryupinsk boasts of a genuine down market. Twice a week in the square there spread themselves long lines of marketers with down headscarves, socks and mittens…

A local with live ‘mascots’ of the town


The town of Uryupinsk


The source: photos from Alexis Kopayev’s blog http://kopaev.org/


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