Мощи Ярослава Мудрого: как они могли оказаться у американцев
2012-07-23 17:23:56

Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


There is a saying that if someone was not in Moscow he would never know Russia. Today the visit to Moscow does not guarantee the complete understanding of Russia. That’s why lets go back to year 1867, right at to the top of the dome of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. From there you could observe true Moscow and true Russia.

 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


 Moscow 1867. Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


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