The Volga river flows into Russian soul.

As we know the Volga River flows the Caspian Sea. This fact illustrates very interesting idea of love to our country.
Almost each citizen of Russia has thought at least one time about moving to western world.
It looks very strange how this beautiful and huge country can be too contradictory and selfish for people, but any way we are who we are and if you need the confirmation about this idea you should go to Tver, the city of Russia and take a look on the River if your soul likes it you won’t be able to leave your contradictory home.
The way to Volga would give you the answer at the main questions of human life. Why you were born or What the mission of your life has to be found? So, you would image how The Volga River flows into the Caspian see as the idea of your life into your soul.