Let\’s go back to 100 years ago

Allegedly, looking through the old photographs makes a renovated harmony in life possible. So let’s take a look at what we used to be just a centenary ago. Possibly, reinforcing our spirits and belief in Russia’s potential and the nation’s creative drive comes into effect. The poses of people snapped in pictures are statistic and somewhat studio-styled. They lack happy smiles on their faces which reveals some kind of officialdom to better focus on their traditional style in dress and homes. The pictures are taken form albums ‘A few folk types in Russia’ by E. P. Vishnyakov and ‘Nations types in Pensa Province’ by Peter Vedinisov. Contemporary Russia and its nation are very different from that of the pre-World War I time but positive thinking leaves us much to think about. Be blessed our homeland and its heirs!
Photos: Eugene P. Vishnyakov Vedenisov Peter, «Some popular types of Russia», «Types of population Penza province»