Мощи Ярослава Мудрого: как они могли оказаться у американцев
2012-09-07 17:01:02


The history of Russian info graphics counts back to 1912 when the St. Petersburg Publishing House ‘The Knowledge Roundup’ released Nikolai Rubakin’s book ‘Russian in figures: Country; People; Estates. Classes: Dry statistic in max visualized illustrations.’

Boring tables and graphics in interesting form

 Comparative numbers of peasants and servicing class

Peasantry and Servicing Class


Peoples product share as for per one resident in various countries (Australia, USA, Britain, France, Germany, Ostrich, Italy, Balkans, Russia)
Comparative numbers of various faiths in Russian empire

(Russians; Turks, Tartars; Polish; Finn tribes; Hebrews; Lithonia’s; Germans; Caucasian, Cartesians; Highlanders; Armenians; other nationals)

(Peasants, urban residents, nationals, Cossacks, nobles, clergy, honorary citizens, others)  

Comparative number of estates in a thousand souls    

Russia’s professional population structure 

 (Government and public service; Armed Forces; professions related to public requirements; private and personal servicing; those, supported by government and self-employed; mining; transportation; trading; other private business; agriculture) 


Profitability of different enterprises in the empire (Wheat; Cattle breeding; Other agriculture industries, Forestry, Fishing, Mining, Trade and Industrial Plants) 

A week-long food basket of the English three-members-family laborer with 450Rubles/year budget and a three-members-family mechanic from Nizhny Novgorod with 400Rubles/year to live on (tea, butter, oil, sugar, meat and fat, potatoes, 12 kopecks worth vegetables, white wheat and bread, brown bread)

Diana Chankseliani


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